Brighton Blade
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
BHS class of 1942 gathers at Eagle View for 70-year reunion
BRIGHTON -- Brighton High School’s class of 1942 celebrated its 70-year reunion Aug. 23 at Eagle View Adult Center. The classes of 1941 and 1943 joined them for lunch.
Photo by Crystal Nelson
Eighty-nine students graduated from Brighton High School in 1942. Jerry Duroy remembers the high school’s football team won the class B state championship and celebrating on Dec. 6, 1941, a day before the attack on Pearl Harbor. Duroy said that six months after the championship, the teammates were together in the military, serving in World War II.
Over the years the team’s trophy had been lost. The class had it remade and will be giving it to Brighton High School to have in its display case.
Pictured from left to right in the back row are: Charles Goddard, Gene Hartman, Harvey Ehrlich, Jerry Duroy, Chuck Taylor and Goro Sakaguchi. In the front row are Betty (Owells) Roberts, Elsie (Cherry) Trunkenbowz, Alma (Hosey) Davis, Pearl (Letterly) Taylor, Bobbie Jean (Adams) Storey and Pete Rador.